Federally Qualified Health Centers

You focus on providing health care to high risk communities. Trust us to take care of you.

From employment litigation to reimbursement issues, and HIPAA complaints to technology contracts, we handle it all.

We Serve FQHCs

Federally Qualified Health Centers exist to provide healthcare to medically underserved populations. At-risk communities depend on these health care providers to survive and without them millions of people would go without the care they need. We understand the legal issues you face. Trust us to find solutions for your legal needs. 

State & Federal Regulations

The law changes rapidly. We monitor industry and regulatory changes so you can focus on patient care.


From employment contracts to training manuals to litigation, we can help with all aspects of employment.


Negotiating the right vendor agreement will save you resources disputing it later. We provide timely review of contracts and negotiate on your behalf.

Pharmacy Compliance

The 340B Pharmacy Program provides great benefits but brings with it heightened compliance requirements. Let us help your center stay compliant.


We defend reimbursement audit and fraud & abuse investigations.


Privacy, security, and compliance need to be a number one priority. We can offer training and manuals, as well as help with complaints and breach investigations.

Does Your FQHC Need Our Help?

Our experienced attorneys can provide you with the legal help you need.

Best of South Carolina

We've been nominated for Best of South Carolina! Vote for Jolley Law Group Estate Planning Lawyers before May 31st!

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